Behaviour Management
Discover evidence-based approaches to creating a learning focused environment that minimises the disruption of problem behaviours.
This course focuses on how teachers can facilitate students’ self-regulation of their own behaviour.
Throughout the course, you will find a range of resources, strategies, and further readings to enable you to adapt your approach to behaviour management to meet your students’ needs.

Course Content
Lesson One: Introduction
This introductory lesson provides an overview of behaviour management including what behaviour management is, why we manage students’ behaviour and how we can evaluate the effectiveness of our behaviour management techniques.
Lesson Two: Common Approaches to Behaviour Management
This lesson looks at some of the most often used approaches to managing student behaviour including rewards, consequences, building positive relationships, and building students’ capacity to manage their own behaviour.
Lesson Three: Problematic Behaviours
Lesson Three examines the different types of problematic behaviours teachers see in class, including their likely causes and consequences.
Lesson Four: Evidence-Based Approaches
In this Lesson, we explore what the available literature on student learning tells us about what works and what doesn’t work in the classroom.
Lesson Five: Creating a Learning Focused Environment
Lesson Five suggests practical approaches to implementing teaching strategies and classroom practices that support on-task behaviours while reducing distracted and distracting behaviours.
Lesson Six: Maintaining a Learning Focused Environment
This lesson offers a deeper exploration of the strategies suggested in Lesson Five, with a focus on how these strategies can be integrated into your daily classroom practice and how you might alter teaching strategies to suit your students’ needs.
Lesson Seven: Resources
This lesson consists of video, articles, weblinks and suggested further reading which teachers can use to further their own understanding of behaviour management.

Course Information
Certified for 6 hours of professional learning
Available now on demand. This course is self paced and access does not expire
Recognised by VIT, TRBSA, TRBWA, TRBNT, QCT and TRBT as addressing APST 1.1, 1.3, 3.1, 3.5, 4.1, 4.3, 4.4, 5.2
Suitable for: classroom teachers P-12, teacher aides/learning support, casual teachers, specialist teachers, school leaders, tertiary and adult educators and pre-service teachers
Teacher: $179
Casual and pre-service teachers: $69
Group or whole school <50 teachers: $1890
Group or whole school >50 teachers: $2590
How to Enrol
Request an Invoice
Accessing your invoice
Once you have completed this form, you will be able to download the PDF invoice which you can then forward to your school. You will also have the opportunity to set up your online account with a username and password.
How to get started on your course
If you would like to begin immediately, just have your school administration (e.g. Principal or Office Manager) send us an email confirming they have approved your course and we’ll set you up straight away.
Assistance and Information
If you would like more information about this course or how to enrol, our team is ready to assist you.