teaching metacognitive thinking skills

We all want our students to be metacognitive learners, yet it isn’t always easy to help children develop these valuable thinking skills within a crowded curriculum. This course explores how metacognitive thinking helps students to learn and to grow, with a focus on practical strategies to teach and support metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive control in the classroom. Participants will develop their understanding of:


  • How to explicitly teach metacognitive strategies.
  • How to implicitly reinforce the use of metacognitive thinking skills.
  • How to ensure students routinely employ metacognitive strategies.
  • How to ensure students use these skills confidently and flexibly across a range of learning tasks.
  • Strategies to evaluate students comprehension of, and use of, metacognitive thinking.

about this course



Course outline

See the full course outline below.

Course Details

We begin with a broad overview of metacognition and the six sub-components of metacognitive thinking skills.

We then provide a synopsis of why and how we might assess students’ metacognitive thinking skills. Examples of both formal and informal methods of data collection and assessment are discussed, along with the strengths and weaknesses of each approach.

Before lunch, we take a thorough look at the What, How and When of metacognitive instruction. In exploring ‘What’ we teach, the importance of teaching all six sub-components of metacognition is emphasised. The ‘How’ of metacognitive skills instruction is a detailed explanation of evidence-based approaches to instruction, focusing on the Self-Regulated Strategy Development model. Finally, the ‘When’ of teaching metacognitive skills discusses the advantages of starting thinking skills instruction early (i.e. from the first year of school) while highlighting some potential problems teachers should be aware of with young children or inexperienced learners.

After lunch, we assist teachers to develop their own approach and repertoire of strategies to suit their own teaching context. We also suggest helpful tools such as Strategy Evaluation Matrices and adapted Rubrics. Teachers explore how to create your their Strategy Evaluation Matrices (SEM) and rubrics for classroom use.


Our full day workshops are $270 per teacher. Discounts are available for group bookings. Please use the contact form below if you would like to request a discounted invoice.



All teachers are issued with a certificate detailing the APST standards referenced, course hours and date of completion.

Course Certification

On completion of this workshop, you will be issued with a certificate of completion to satisfy requirements for continuing registration with VIT and for your own professional records.

This course is recognised by VIT as contributing 6 hours of professional learning addressing APST: 1.2, 1.5, 2.2, 2.5, 3.1, 3.3, 5.1, 5.2

Next available workshop dates:


At this time, we have no available dates for this workshop.



This workshop is also available on demand throughout the year as an online course.

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